
Year-7                                                                      MusicNewsImage


We are proud to have been nominated as a Music Mark school again this academic year for our commitment to providing quality music education and opportunities


Music education at Campion School covers a wide array of musical styles and genres, which will always look to develop an embedded set of ‘ACE’ values. The focus on entry is always the consolidation of character in order to achieve excellence. The environment within Music lessons and extra-curricular activities is designed to ensure the student uses the subject to develop personal traits that supports their wellbeing, and will allow a platform for success in practical and theoretical areas of the curriculum.

Music education at Campion has also integrated emerging technology, whereby websites and channels online will teach students one-to-one using laptops and PCs, alongside modern music technology such as Mixcraft and MuseScore. Websites such as YouTube can also teach a student exactly the same content as formal music, whilst utilising visual, auditory and kinaesthetic methods of learning, and also engaging with the independent learner. Skills developed in this environment will include practice skills (e.g pausing the video and revisiting a section), reading graphic scores, learning to play with both hands, as well as a variety of melodies and rhythms. Allowing students to learn and evidence their work in various ways, supports both KS3 and KS4 schemes of learning.

As part of the varied curriculum offered here, students are also taught the theoretical aspects of music. Due to the GCSE in Music entailing three modules – 30% performance (1 solo, 1 ensemble), 30% composition (1 free choice, 1 linked) and 40% listening exam (in May/June of year 11), these are consistently embedded into every term of every year group. Year 9, 10 and 11, most lessons will include theory. Students are also offered the chance to take up extra-curricular opportunities such as instrumental lessons provided by the teachers of NMPAT, and huge range of clubs e.g. choir, ukulele group, brass group, strings group, guitar and keyboard groups.


Curriculum map

Music New Learning Journey 2

Year 7 – Notation, Keyboard Skills, Singing, Music Software, Listening Skills and Composition    

Year 8 – Advancement of Skills in Notation, Keyboard Skills, Singing, Music Software, Listening Skills and Composition  

Year 9 – Set Musical Works, Listening Skills, Composition to a Brief, Formal Notation, Learning Musical Theory

Year 10 Edexcel GCSE


Solo & Ensemble Performance

Set Works, Dictation & Extended Responses

Solo & Ensemble Performances

Exam Skills

Year 11 Edexcel GCSE

Exam Skills

Composition for Exam

Solo and Ensemble Performances

Exam Skills & Exam Question Practice

This may lead to careers in the entertainment and performing arts sector in some cases but primarily this qualification is sought after for the range of skills it develops. It is very useful in any careers which involve teamwork, public speaking, presentation skills, attention to detail and mathematical or logic skills

Music Downloads
Campion Music development plan 
Danielle Brown
Head Of Music