Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

Careers email:

Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4
Key Stage 5

Campion Careers Team:

Careers Leader: Mr Mike McGeown, Assistant Headteacher

Careers Co-Ordinator: Mrs Nicola Capon

Careers Administrator: Mrs Nicola Fell

Years 7, 8 and 9 students (Key Stage 3)

Campion School wants to enable you to know enough about yourself (Self Development) and the options open to you (Career Exploration) to ensure that you are able to make good decisions and implement them for the next stage of your life (Career Management).

In Year 7 you will start to learn about the transition points in your life and how to plan ahead for them. You will also learn about yourself, what your personal qualities and interests are and how you start planning for the future.

In Year 8 you have the opportunity to find out about the world of work through Work Related Learning and Enterprise activities such as ‘Take Your Child to Work’ day and a careers fair.

In Year 9 you will continue to assess your own skills and strengths and start to look at why people work. You will also have the opportunity to attend a career fair to understand what you need to know and do in different kinds of careers. You will also focus on decision-making skills relating to option choices.  You will receive detailed information, advice and guidance from your form tutor, other staff members and through a careers interview with the school’s external career’s advisors.

Other sessions during PSHE will provide you with an understanding of the laws relating to employment, discrimination and equal opportunities.

There is the opportunity to research on-line using  This gives details of every opportunity available within the county.  In depth guidance interviews can be arranged if necessary. 

Year 10 and 11 students (Key Stage 4)

Campion School wants to enable you to know enough about yourself (Self Development) and the options open to you (Career Exploration) to ensure that you can make good decisions and implement them for the next stage of your life (Career Management).

There will be further opportunities to research on-line using  which will give further details of every opportunity available across the country to support steps beyond GCSE studies.  In depth guidance interviews will be arranged to support students in making the right decisions beyond pre-16 studies.

In Years 10 and 11 you will build on the skills and knowledge you have gained in previous years that will enable you to make good further choices for post 16 options and future career planning.

You will also be able to attend our Sixth Form Choices Evening, Sixth Form Taster Days and assemblies. In Year 11 you will receive a one to one career’s interview offering you advice and guidance on your next steps.  The Careers Library in the Library/The Hive is also well stocked with paper-based careers resources as well as directions towards online advice. In Year 10 and 11 there will be ‘Creating Brilliant Futures’ Days to support students’ ‘next steps’.

If you decide to leave Campion after Year 11, you will receive individual help with job and college applications, preparation of CVs and learning interview technique skills.

You will also have the opportunity to find out about the world of work through Enterprise activities that take place in a number of faculties.  In both Years 10 and Year 11 there are activities in PHSE that look at managing money in relation to income from work. 

At any stage you will be able to request a further careers guidance interview to discuss your situation individually.

 Year 12 and 13 students (Key Stage 5)

Campion School believes that it is very important for you to be aware of the range of opportunities available to you at the end of your courses. There will be a focus on opportunity awareness, decision making and self-awareness delivered by tutors and visiting speakers and organisations.

You will be introduced to Job opportunities and Training including Apprenticeships. You will be guided through the UCAS applications process by your Form Tutor as well as being prepared for applications and interviews. Skills for budgeting will also be an important feature.

You will also be able to seek individual advice from a qualified careers advisor and arrange an interview if needed.

Useful links for Students and Parents


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